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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Harmonizing the Throat Chakra for Enhanced Thyroid Health


Image From Gerd Altmann Pixabay

 The human body is an intricate network of energies, each flowing through its designated pathways and converging at focal points known as chakras. Among these, the throat chakra, or Vishuddha, is a vital energy center associated with communication, self-expression, and, importantly, the thyroid gland. This blog delves into the profound connection between Vishuddha and thyroid health, offering insights into how balancing this chakra can aid in managing hyperthyroidism.

Understanding Vishuddha Vishuddha, located at the base of the throat, is the fifth primary chakra in the human body. It governs our ability to communicate effectively and express our truths. The throat chakra is also intricately linked to the thyroid gland, influencing its function and health.

The Thyroid-Vishuddha Connection The thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped organ nestled in the neck, plays a pivotal role in regulating metabolism, growth, and body temperature. When Vishuddha is in balance, it supports the optimal functioning of the thyroid, promoting hormonal harmony and physical well-being.

Symptoms of Vishuddha Imbalance An imbalance in the throat chakra can manifest as communication difficulties, fear of speaking out, and physical issues like throat infections or thyroid disorders. Hyperthyroidism, characterized by an overactive thyroid, can be a manifestation of an overstimulated Vishuddha.

Yoga for Throat Chakra Balance Yoga offers a holistic approach to restoring equilibrium to Vishuddha. Specific asanas and pranayama techniques can help soothe an overactive thyroid, easing the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Asanas for Vishuddha

  • Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana): This inversion increases blood flow to the neck, nourishing the thyroid gland.
  • Camel Pose (Ustrasana): By opening the throat area, this pose stimulates the thyroid and balances Vishuddha.
  • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana): This gentle backbend applies pressure to the thyroid, regulating its function.

  • Ujjayi Breath: Known as the “ocean breath,” Ujjayi calms the mind and brings focus to the throat area
  • Bhramari Breath: The “bee breath” creates a soothing vibration, reducing stress and balancing the thyroid.

Meditation focused on the throat chakra, accompanied by the chanting of the seed mantra ‘HAM,’ can facilitate energy flow and chakra alignment.

Lifestyle Tips for Vishuddha Harmony

  • Lifestyle Tips for Vishuddha HarmonyMindful Communication: Practice speaking your truth with clarity and kindness.
  • Throat Chakra Foods: Incorporate foods like blueberries, kelp, and honey that resonate with Vishuddha’s energy.
  • Creative Expression: Engage in activities like singing, writing, or painting to stimulate the throat chakra.

Conclusion Balancing the throat chakra is a gentle yet powerful way to support thyroid health. By integrating yoga, pranayama, and mindful practices into your daily routine, you can nurture Vishuddha, ensuring it remains a harmonious conduit of energy that fosters both physical and emotional well-being.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Unveiling 5 Lesser-Known Triggers of Hyperthyroidism: Exploring Environmental Factors

Hyperthyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland produces an excess of thyroid hormones, affects millions worldwide. While genetic predisposition and autoimmune disorders are commonly discussed triggers, environmental factors play a crucial role that often flies under the radar. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into five lesser-known environmental triggers of hyperthyroidism, shedding light on their impact and how individuals can mitigate their effects for better thyroid health.

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs): 

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, found in everyday products like plastics, pesticides, and personal care items, can wreak havoc on thyroid function. Compounds such as bisphenol-A (BPA), phthalates, and perchlorate interfere with hormone production and regulation, potentially leading to hyperthyroidism. Recommending the use of BPA-free containers, organic produce, and eco-friendly household products can help minimize exposure.

Heavy Metal Exposure: 

Heavy metals like mercury, lead, and cadmium are pervasive in the environment due to industrial activities and pollution. These toxins accumulate in the body over time, disrupting thyroid function and contributing to hyperthyroidism. Advocating for regular water testing, consuming mercury-free seafood, and considering chelation therapy under medical supervision are proactive steps individuals can take to reduce heavy metal burden.

Radiation Exposure: 

Radiation, whether from medical procedures like CT scans or environmental sources such as nuclear accidents, poses a significant risk to thyroid health. Radioactive iodine, used in diagnostics and cancer treatment, can inadvertently trigger or exacerbate hyperthyroidism. Emphasizing the importance of informed consent before radiation-based procedures and advocating for protective measures during nuclear emergencies are crucial for minimizing radiation-induced thyroid disorders.

Stress and Cortisol Imbalance: 

Chronic stress and cortisol dysregulation not only impact mental well-being but also disrupt thyroid function. Excessive cortisol levels suppress thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) production, leading to hyperthyroid symptoms. Encouraging stress-management techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and regular exercise can help restore hormonal balance and alleviate hyperthyroidism symptoms.

Iodine Overload or Deficiency: 

While iodine deficiency is a well-known cause of thyroid dysfunction, excessive iodine intake can also trigger or worsen hyperthyroidism, especially in susceptible individuals. Assessing iodine status through urinary iodine tests and promoting iodine intake within recommended limits can prevent iodine-related hyperthyroidism while ensuring adequate thyroid hormone synthesis.


In the complex web of factors influencing thyroid health, environmental triggers often play a significant yet overlooked role in the development and progression of hyperthyroidism. By understanding and addressing these lesser-known contributors, individuals can take proactive steps to safeguard their thyroid function and overall well-being. Through awareness, education, and advocacy for healthier environments, we can empower ourselves and future generations to thrive with balanced thyroid function.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017



Here are some important tips to balance the functioning of your thyroid glands and to overcome  thyroid disorders

1. Avoid stress, anxiety, emotional disturbances as it is directly linked to the functioning of thyroid glands. Try aromatherapy with lavender oil and tea tree oil. Lavender oil relaxes the muscles and nerves and creates a calming effect. Tea tree oil is a powerful antiseptic and acts on the vishudha chakra located in the neck region.

2. The fluoride content present in the toothpaste interacts with the functioning of thyroid glands. Avoid toothpaste which has fluoride content in it instead of makes use of herbal-based toothpaste or toothpaste without fluoride content it.

3. Avoid sugars and switch to alternatives like blackstrap molasses, raw honey, brown sugar, etc.


4. Bisphenol   (Bisphenol_A) a chemical ingredient present in plastics triggers auto-immune disorders. Make use of glassware, metal wares, and earthenwares.

5. The usage of cosmetics is related to thyroid problems as it alters the functioning of thyroid glands. The presence of lead, mercury, arsenic, lead, cyanide, etc may lead to thyroid disorders.

6. Switch to cold-pressed oils like coconut oil, olive oil instead of refined oils. Combine olive oil with linseed, colza oil to balance the ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 present in them as olive oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids but lacks omega 3.

7. Take cold baths and practice yoga along with breathing exercises regularly. Exercises relax muscles and nerves, increases the blood and oxygen supply to all the organs and helps to get rid of toxins accumulated in our body.


8. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal glands and one of the important glands of our endocrine system. The principal hormone melatonin is necessary to induce sleep, to promote psychological functions and all biological rhythms. Melatonin is the hormone synthesized from serotonin and for this purpose, it needs amino acid 5 Hydroxy Tryptophane. Expose yourself to sunlight as sunlight is necessary for the production of melatonin hormone.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

My Latest Thyroid Reports


Fight Hyperthyroidism naturally using natural treatment protocols. Eating a well balanced diet,correcting underlying vitamin deficiencies,moderate exercises like taichi,yoga,cycling,walking etc, can really go a long way in treating your hyperthyroidism problems naturally.

My latest reports to show thyroid problems can be fought naturally with above mentioned methods.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Kefir Drink With Lemon and Honey

Kefir rich in fermented probiotics is very effective in promoting gut health. Kefir drink prepared using fruits is refreshing, tender and replenishing. Kefir acts as a powerful detoxifying and purifying agent. It is very effective in treating severe skin infections where conventional treatments fails to do so.


1.       4 tbsps of kefir grains
2.       1.5 litres of filtered water
3.       ½ lemon cut into thin round slices
4.       2 figs dried and cut into halves
5.       4 tsps of acacia honey or 3 tsps of agave syrup

1.       Place the kefir grains in a bottle a day before

2.       Add water, lemon slices, figs and honey. Mix the contents well (taking care not to use a metal spoon) . Cover the bottle with a mesh or a clean transparent white cloth tying the opening of the bottle with a string

3.       Leave the mixture to ferment for 24 hrs. Grains of the kefir can be conserved as it multiplies itself to a point where it starts spreading itself to its surrounding.

4.       Filter this mixture using a plastic filter. Transfer the contents to a glass bottle adding two tbsp of cane brown sugar and a little refrigerated water.

5.       Mix everything and place the contents in a refrigerator. The mixture remains active for a period of 15days without problem.


If  you notice the grains are not multiplying it shows that it lacks nourishment. Add some more cane brown sugar to the bottle.

Precautions: The mixture should not come in contact with any metal

If you are a debutant please go slow until you get yourself acquainted with the detoxification process. Take this preparation 2 to 3 times a day paying attention not to drink more than half glass at a time for a period of three days followed by one glass for six days . Replace with two glasses until everything goes well.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Importance of Iodine In Our Daily Lives


Fragility, slow metabolism and fatigue these are the few signs which indicate that you may lack iodine

Recent studies have shown that the overall world population lacks 10% of the recommended dosage of Iodine.

Iodine the hormone of the thyroid is the key ingredient necessary to increase the energy levels of our tissues mainly the tissues of muscles and nerves.

The association of Iodine and Endocrine Glands

Iodine is necessary for the proper functioning of the endocrine glands mainly the pituitary, pancreas and the thyroid. Iodine stimulates the endocrine glands

Iodine and the Nervous System

Iodine is essential for the proper development of the brain. It is necessary for intellectual development. It also helps in concentration and coordinates cerebral functions.
Lack of Iodine during pregnancy can result in insufficient development of the brain of the newborns. This may indirectly affect the mental development resulting in lack of intelligence among the infants.

Iodine aids metabolism

When combined with oligo-elements like copper, zinc and selenium Iodine helps in expulsion of mucus and also bacterias.

Iodine and Skin

Iodine is effective in moisturizing the skin and also in stimulating the secretion of sebaceous glands.

Lack of Iodine

Iodine is secreted by the thyroid glands and it cannot be present outside the thyroid glands in an organism neither it can be secreted by any other glands of the human body. Iodine has to fight with the other elements of the halogen family-like chlorine, fluorine, and bromine.

Lack of Iodine can lead to malfunctioning of the thyroid glands when the glands are not able to find the necessary Iodine for the production of thyroid hormones. This, in turn, affects the pituitary glands. Malfunctioning of pituitary glands can lead to goiters and nodules.

Symptoms associated with Lack of Iodine

The signs associated with the lack of Iodine are fragility, fatigue, slow metabolism which increases fat deposits and also leads to water retention. Lack of Iodine during pregnancy can trigger abortion and may also lead to premature birth.

Lack of Iodine in higher doses can lead to cretinism in infants and goiter in adults.

The lack of Iodine can be confirmed by carrying a Urine Uptake test for Iodine –Less than 150Mg.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower remedies, these floral elixirs have multiple qualities. Rescue Remedy one of the best remedies among  Bach Remedies is also known as Remedy for Crisis. 

These Bach Flower Remedies are a gift to mankind by Doctor Edward Bach. Well, known homeopath, bacteriologist oriented his researches towards the diseases which were known to be caused by emotional disturbances. He found a natural method which constituted of 38 essences of flowers. This is a fabulous tool that is very effective in helping an individual to fight emotional disturbances and to establish harmony and interior peace. 

This therapy is found to be very effective not only in men and women but also among people who are aged. It is found to be very effective even in children and for those who are suffering from diseases, in animals and to all the living beings on this earth.

Dr. Bach determined the exact portraits of the emotions. He established seven states of emotions: fear, doubt, disinterest, solitude, hypersensitivity, sadness, and difficult relationships.

Each essence of the flower corresponds to one particular emotion. The association of these flower essences forms synergy which if capable of preparing the state of the soul and also in fighting the diseases. 

Bach Flower Remedies

The Rescue Remedy these are the flowers known as Flowers of help.

It's composition: Cherry Plum, Star of Bethlehem, Rockrose, Impatiens and Clematis

Its a preparation useful in case of emergency and also in all the situations which are stressful, unpredictable and also shocking. (Physical shock, accident, bad news, fear, meeting which provokes stress, exams, surgical interventions....)

In case of emergency, four drops of this essence can be taken orally or can be mixed with water and consumed slowly.

In the case of physical shocks, the rescue remedy can be directly applied to the place of trauma and can be massaged softly to get rid of the pain. But this essence should not be applied directly to the wounds.

These flowers of Bach is a therapy which is very simple and can be used on ourselves. But for better results, it would be effective to consult a doctor who is a certified Bach Flower remedist.